- cross-currency interest rate swap
- відсотковий своп за різними валютами (відсоткова різниця за різними валютами)
The English-Ukrainian Dictionary. Economics, Finance, Banking, Investmentss, Bank Loans. S. Ya. Yermolenko, V. I. Yermolenko. 2002.
The English-Ukrainian Dictionary. Economics, Finance, Banking, Investmentss, Bank Loans. S. Ya. Yermolenko, V. I. Yermolenko. 2002.
cross-currency interest-rate swap — A swap of two different interest rates in two different currencies. This usually involves swapping a fixed rate for a floating rate (or vice versa); if both rates are floating it is known as a basis swap See currency swap; interest rate swap … Big dictionary of business and management
Cross Currency Interest Rate Swap — ⇡ Zins und Währungsswap … Lexikon der Economics
interest-rate swap — A form of dealing between banks, security houses, and companies in which institutions exchange interest rate payments on a notional capital value. Swaps can be in the same currency or cross currency (see cross currency interest rate swap). If a… … Big dictionary of business and management
Cross currency swap — A cross currency swap, also referred to as cross currency interest rate swap[1] or simply currency swap[2], is an agreement between two parties to exchange interest payments and principals denominated in two different currencies.[3] Contents … Wikipedia
Interest Rate Swap — Ein Zinsswap ist ein Zinsderivat, bei dem zwei Vertragspartner vereinbaren, zu bestimmten zukünftigen Zeitpunkten Zinszahlungen auf festgelegte Nennbeträge auszutauschen. Die Zinszahlungen werden meist so festgesetzt, dass eine Partei einen bei… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Interest rate derivative — An interest rate derivative is a derivative where the underlying asset is the right to pay or receive a (usually notional) amount of money at a given interest rate.The interest rate derivatives market is the largest derivatives market in the… … Wikipedia
Currency swap — Foreign exchange Exchange rates Currency band Exchange rate Exchange rate regime Exchange rate flexibility Dollarization Fixed exchange rate Floating exchange rate Linked exchange rate Managed float regime Markets Foreign exchange market Futures… … Wikipedia
currency swap — A swap in which specified amounts of one currency are exchanged for another currency at agreed principles over time. In an ordinary currency swap both currencies bear interest at a fixed rate: if both currencies bear interest at a floating rate… … Big dictionary of business and management
SWAP — (finance) Le swap (de l anglais to swap : échanger) ou l échange financier (J.O. du 31 janvier 1990) est un produit dérivé financier. Il s agit d un contrat d échange de flux financiers entre deux parties, qui sont généralement des banques… … Wikipédia en Français
Swap (économie) — Swap (finance) Le swap (de l anglais to swap : échanger) ou l échange financier (J.O. du 31 janvier 1990) est un produit dérivé financier. Il s agit d un contrat d échange de flux financiers entre deux parties, qui sont généralement des… … Wikipédia en Français
Swap (finance) — Produits dérivés financiers Produits fermes Forwards (Contrat de gré à gré) Futures (Contrat à terme) Swaps (Échange financier) Produits optionnels Options et Warrants Credit default swap (couvertures de défaillance) … Wikipédia en Français